Category Archives: Inspiration

Between us & the sea

The best Body & Mind APPS

After my trip to Bali this summer, it really opened my eyes up to how important meditation, pure food and relaxation is for the body & mind. It can change your entire day  if your mindset is pure & focused. So once back in very chilly London I have been getting in to phone Apps which help to restore, rejuvenate & balance the body and mind as well as inspiring me to try different foods & recipe’s. So I wanted to share with you some of my favourite one’s which can be used pretty much anywhere. I even have an app you can use while brushing your teeth ;)….

 NutriLiving If you are like me – I try to juice most days ( this never happens!)  I end up going back to the same ingredients as I know I can chop it at super speed but that sometimes leaves me a little bored & uninspired. Nutri Bullet’s smoothie & juice recipes is a must have if your feeling adventurous! All the Nutribullet recipes, all in one app! My favourites – the Killer Kale blast,  Mojito Nutriblast  or my Sunday Super Juice recipe here




girls! girls! girls!

girls copy

The Little Back Gallery, London